Omnes viae Romam perducunt

2009. novemberében 4-en útra kelünk, hogy felfedezzük Rómát, az örök várost. Ez a blog a 4 utazó közti kommunikáció megsegítésére jött létre.

Friss topikok

  • picitatu: tehát akkor műsor van plusz áldás? semmi más? jah és: "Urbi et Orbi" áldás a városra /rómaiul a vá... (2011.11.19. 17:35) Pápai audiencia
  • elekesjozsef: Huh Geri! Ez nagyon-nagyon jó lett! Szuper vezetőnk leszel! Vatikán, templomok, ókori Róma, én be... (2009.09.17. 23:24) Látnivalók I.
  • elekesjozsef: Látható rajta Fiumicino, a reptér, meg a Város is. Nagyítható..., stb! :)) (2009.09.08. 23:02) Róma térképe:
  • kicsiLea: en is remelem!:) (2009.09.08. 22:06) Sziasztok!
  • elekesjozsef: Ahammmmmmm!!! (2009.09.08. 21:49) Pápai audiencia...


Kis olasz nyelvlecke...

2009.09.10. 18:21 :: elekesjozsef


Subject Pronouns


io ee-oh I noi noy we
tu too you (informal singular) voi voy you (informal plural)
lui, lei lwee/lay he, she loro loh-roh they
Lei lay you (formal singular) Loro loh-roh you (formal plural)

Note:  The Lei form is generally used for you (singular), instead of tu, unless you're referring to kids or animals.  Loro can also mean you, but only in very polite situations. If you need to specify an inanimate object as "it" you can use esso (masculine noun) and essa (feminine noun), but since subject pronouns are not commonly used in Italian, these words are somewhat rare.



To Be and to Have [ Conjugation Exercise ] [ Avere Expressions Exercise ]

Essere - to be
I am sono soh-noh we are siamo see-ah-moh
you are sei say you are siete see-eh-teh
he/she/it is è eh they are sono soh-noh

Note:  You do not have to use the subject pronouns as the different conjugations imply the subject.


Past & Future of Essere
I was ero we were eravamo   I will be sarò we will be saremo
you were eri you were eravate   you will be sarai you will be sarete
he/she was era they were erano   he/she will be sarà they will be saranno


Avere - to have
I have ho oh We have abbiamo ahb-bee-ah-mo
you have hai eye you have avete ah-veh-teh
he/she has ha ah they have hanno ahn-noh


Past & Future of Avere
I had avevo we had avevamo   I will have avrò we will have avremo
you had avevi you had avevate   you will have avrai you will have avrete
he/she had aveva they had avevano   he/she will have avrà they will have avranno

is used with many idioms and expressions that normally use the verb "to be" in English:
avere fame - to be hungry
avere sete - to be thirsty
avere caldo - to be warm
avere freddo - to be cold
avere fretta - to be in a hurry
avere paura (di) - to be afraid (of)
avere ragione - to be right
avere torto - to be wrong
avere sonno - to be sleepy
avere bisogno di - to need
avere voglia di - to want, to feel like
avere (number) anni - to be (number) years old




Question Words [ Matching Exercise ]


Who Chi kee
Whose Di chi dee kee
What Che cosa keh koh-sah
Why Perché pehr-keh
When Quando kwahn-doh
Where Dove doh-veh
How Come koh-meh
How much Quanto kwahn-toh
Which Quale kwah-leh

Note:  When dove, come, and quale are followed by è (is), dove and come contract to dov'è and com'è; and quale drops its e to become qual è.




Numbers / Ordinals [ English to Italian Flashcards ] [ Italian to English Flashcards ] [ Translation Exercise ]


0 zero dzeh-roh
1 uno oo-noh
2 due doo-eh
3 tre treh
4 quattro kwaht-troh
5 cinque cheen-kweh
6 sei say
7 sette seht-teh
8 otto aw-toh
9 nove naw-vay
10 dieci dee-ay-chee
11 undici oon-dee-chee
12 dodici doh-dee-chee
13 tredici treh-dee-chee
14 quattordici kwaht-tohr-dee-chee
15 quindici kween-dee-chee
16 sedici seh-dee-chee
17 diciassette dee-chahs-seht-teh
18 diciotto dee-choht-toh
19 diciannove dee-chahn-noh-veh
20 venti vehn-tee
21 ventuno vehn-too-noh
22 ventidue vehn-tee-doo-eh
23 ventitrè vehn-tee-treh
30 trenta trehn-tah
40 quaranta kwah-rahn-tah
50 cinquanta cheen-kwahn-tah
60 sessanta sehs-sahn-tah
70 settanta seht-tahn-tah
80 ottanta oh-tahn-tah
90 novanta noh-vahn-tah
100 cento chehn-toh
200 duecento  
1,000 mille  
2,000 duemila  
million milione  
billion miliardo  

Note:  If a number ends in -tre, you need to add an accent: -trè. When you have a word that ends in a vowel, like venti, and another word that begins with a vowel, like uno; the first word loses its vowel when putting the two words together.  Venti (20) and uno (1) make ventuno (21).  One exception is cento; it does not lose its vowel.  Cento (100) and uno (1) make centouno (101).  Notice that cento does not have a plural form, but mille does (mila). And be aware that Italian switches the use of commas and decimals.


Ordinal Numbers














primo (a)

secondo (a)

terzo (a)

quarto (a)

quinto (a)

sesto (a)

settimo (a)

ottavo (a)

nono (a)

decimo (a)

undicesimo (a)

ventesimo (a)

centesimo (a)

From eleventh on, just drop the final vowel of the cardinal number and add -esimo.  For numbers like ventitrè, trentatrè, add -esimo but do not drop the final e.  Ordinal numbers are adjectives and must agree with the nouns they modify; -o is the masculine ending, -a is the feminine ending.


Days of the Week [ English to Italian Flashcards ] [ Italian to English Flashcards ]


Monday lunedì loo-neh-dee
Tuesday martedì mahr-teh-dee
Wednesday mercoledì mehr-koh-leh-dee
Thursday giovedì zhoh-veh-dee
Friday venerdì veh-nehr-dee
Saturday sabato sah-bah-toh
Sunday domenica doh-men-ee-kah
yesterday ieri yer-ee
last night ieri sera yer-ee seh-rah
today oggi ohd-jee
tomorrow domani doh-mahn-ee
day il giorno eel zhor-noh

Note:  To say on Mondays, on Tuesdays, etc., use il before lunedì through sabato, and la before domenica.


Months of the Year [ English to Italian Flashcards ] [ Italian to English Flashcards ] + Seasons & Directions


January gennaio jehn-nah-yoh
February febbraio fehb-brah-yoh
March marzo mar-tsoh
April aprile ah-pree-leh
May maggio mahd-joh
June giugno joo-nyoh
July luglio loo-lyoh
August agosto ah-goh-stoh
September settembre seht-tehm-breh
October ottobre oht-toh-breh
November novembre noh-vehm-breh
December dicembre dee-chem-breh
week la settimana lah sett-ee-mah-nah
month il mese eel meh-zeh
year l'anno lahn-noh

Note:  Days and months are not capitalized.  To express the date, use È il (number) (month).  May 5th would be È il 5 (or cinque) maggio.  But for the first of the month, use primo instead of 1 or uno.

To express ago, as in two days ago, a month ago, etc., just add fa afterwards. To express last, as in last Wednesday, last week, etc., just add scorso (for masculine words) or scorsa (for feminine words) afterwards. Un mese fa means a month ago and l'anno scorso means last year.




Summer l'estate leh-stah-teh
Fall l'autunno low-toon-noh
Spring la primavera lah pree-mah-veh-rah
Winter l'inverno leen-vehr-noh

Note:  To say in the (season), just use in.  In estate is in the summer, in primavera is in spring.  D'estate and d'inverno can also be used instead of in estate or in inverno.



right destra
left sinistra
straight diritto


North nord nohrd
South sud sood
East est est
West ovest oh-vest


Colors & Shapes [ English to Italian Flashcards ] [ Italian to English Flashcards ]


white bianco/a square il quadrato
yellow giallo/a circle il cerchio
orange arancione triangle il triangolo
pink rosa rectangle il rettangolo
red rosso/a oval l'ovale
light blue azzurro/a cube il cubo
dark blue blu sphere la sfera
green verde cylinder il cilindro
brown marrone cone il cono
grey grigio/a octagon l'ottagono
black nero/a box la scatola

Note:  Colors are adjectives and must agree with the nouns they modify; -o is the masculine ending, -a is the feminine ending. For example, rosso is masculine and rossa is feminine.  Color words always go after the noun they describe.


Time [ Matching Exercise ]


What time is it? Che ora è? / Che ore sono? keh oh-rah eh / keh o-reh soh-noh
At what time? A che ora? ah keh oh-rah
It's 1:00 È l'una eh loo-nah
at 1:00 all'una ahl-loo-nah
(at) noon (a) mezzogiorno (ah) med-zoh-zhor-noh
(at) midnight (a) mezzanotte (ah) med-zah-noh-teh
2:00 Sono le due soh-noh leh doo-eh
3:10 Sono le tre e dieci soh-noh leh treh eh dee-ay-chee
4:50 Sono le cinque meno dieci soh-noh leh cheen-kwah meh-noh dee-ay-chee
8:15 Sono le otto e un quarto soh-noh leh awt-toh eh oon kwar-toh
7:45 Sono le otto meno un quarto soh-noh leh aw-toh meh-noh un kwar-toh
1:30 È l'una e mezza eh loo-nah eh med-zah
6:30 Sono le sei e mezzo soh-noh leh say-ee eh med-zoh
sharp in punto een poon-toh
in the morning di mattina dee maht-teen-ah
in the afternoon del pomeriggio dell poh-mehr-ee-zhee-oh
in the evening di sera dee seh-rah
at night di notte dee noht-teh


Weather [ Matching Exercise ]


What's the weather today? Che tempo fa oggi?
It's nice Fa bel tempo
bad Fa brutto tempo
raining Piove
thundering Tuona
snowing Nevica
hailing Grandina
cold Fa freddo
cool Fa fresco
hot Fa caldo
freezing Fa un freddo gelido
foggy C'è nebbia / Fa nebbia
sunny C'è sole / Fa sole
windy C'è vento / Fa vento
cloudy È nuvoloso
humid È umido
muggy È afoso
stormy È burrascoso


Family & Animals [ English to Italian Flashcards ] [ Italian to English Flashcards ] [ Translation Exercise ]


family la famiglia relatives i parenti dog il cane
parents i genitori father-in-law il suocero cat il gatto
mother la madre mother-in-law la suocera bird l'uccello
father il padre son-in-law il genero mouse il topo
son il figlio daughter-in-law la nuora rabbit il coniglio
daughter la figlia brother-in-law il cognato horse il cavallo
brother il fratello sister-in-law la cognata cow la mucca
sister la sorella stepfather il patrigno donkey l'asino
grandfather il nonno stepmother la matrigna goat la capra
grandmother la nonna step/half brother il fratellastro sheep la pecora
grandson/nephew il nipote step/half sister la sorellastra goose l'oca
granddaughter/niece la nipote married sposato duck l'anatra
uncle lo zio divorced divorziato pig il maiale
aunt la zia separated separato hen la gallina
cousin (m) il cugino single (man) celibe deer il cervo
cousin (f) la cugina single (woman) nubile    
husband il marito bachelor lo scapolo    
wife la moglie widow la vedova    
man l'uomo widower il vedovo    
woman la donna godfather il padrino    
boy il ragazzo godmother la madrina    
girl la ragazza twins i gemelli / le gemelle


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